"Alles wat je

aandacht geeft


Personal statement

My ‘why’

We are on the highway of vast change and rapid innovations. Accelerated by exponential technologies and unplanned developments, such as the drastic Covid-19 pandemic. Digital and data converge and have already a high impact on society. The key question is, let it happen or take the rudder and steer where (social) benefits can be expected. I believe strongly in the last one, inspired by my stay at Singularity University. From the capabilities I have and together with you (as my network), I aim to give importance to the matters at hand. Being the kind of person on whom others can call upon, whether for leadership, expertise, acumen or emotional support.
Because you are valued. Because you are relevant.

The only constant is change, and the pace of change is accelerating

– Peter H Diamandis

In de media

We leren voornamelijk van elkaars kennis en ervaring. Delen doe ik via blogs, podcasts, posts en door deel te nemen aan interactieve bijeenkomsten.
